A prolific letter writer, Mitford produced an estimated 2,000 letters over the course of her lifetime now scattered across many archives in the UK and the US. Please see our working list of archives holding Mitford manuscripts. Editing these letters and other personal papers is the largest task of our project team, currently underway beginning with a test bed of letters held in the Reading Central Library and the John Rylands Library from the years 1819-1825. Mitford’s correspondence was often drastically cut and bowdlerized by her nineteenth-century editors, and most of her documented correspondence has gone unedited. On this page, we invite you to read the letters we have encoded thus far, as well as to learn more about our digitization and encoding process, and how we have typed and identified the postal markings and wax seals on the manuscript letters.
Maintained by: Elisa E. Beshero-Bondar
(eeb4 at psu.edu) This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.This project is built with the <oXygen/> XML Editor and eXist-db: the open-source XML database.Last modified:
Wed Aug 18 23:08:51 2021